This week I opened the doors to my Mentorship Program Embodying You. The program has been born out of my desire to support other heart-led women entrepreneurs and creatives in their business journey, from an embodied perspective.

Maybe you are already on an embodiment journey in your business; slowing down, finding gentler ways to work that fits with your capacity, feeling deeper into your work and your vision, from your body. Maybe you have joined me in the Free Monthly Community Calls (the next call is September 7th) and brought your questions and explored Embodied Entrepreneurship that way. Maybe you also feel the longing for slowing down and for deepening in your work; for rooting deeper into yourself and your body’s wisdom.    

My hope is that the program can support you on the next steps of your business journey, by helping you strengthen the foundation of your business, so you can start creating and building from a place of feeling deeply resourced, supported and grounded in yourself, your vision, your clarity and the depths of your work.

This is not another business course that overwhelms you with information and doesn’t help you integrate any of it into your business. I think we have all taken enough of those. Information overload sends our nervous system into a freeze response that can keep us stuck in procrastination or doubt for months or years. I see this happen for so many heart-led creatives and small business owners, and it has certainly been my own experience along the way.

This is the program and community I wish I had had earlier in my entrepreneurial journey

Embodying You offers support and guidance in a gentle, embodied, trauma-informed way. Where there is space for you to be human and vulnerable, to have needs and emotions, to breathe, process and integrate, for you to build your business in a way that deeply resonates with you and feels deeply meaningful to you.

As heart-led women with small businesses we need support and community to build our business in a sustainable way. We need a calm and regulated nervous system to be able to gain clarity and make self-supportive decisions. Working in an embodied way can help us heal the fear that arises when we take new steps in our business journey. And it can help us reconnect with ourselves and remember all of the wisdom that our body is holding, underneath the fear, all the answers and the clarity that we are longing for, but are taught to forget in a world and a market place that focuses on numbers and on chasing results.

I am so tired of chasing. I am done with it. I want to rest. To stand still and root deeper into my wisdom, my knowing, my vision, into who I truly am, so that I can share my work from that place and be of service to my clients and bring healing to the collective; less rules, less output, less overwhelm, more depth, more presence, more ease.

This is why I have created Embodying You. Because I want to do be part of co-creating new ways of doing business; ways that are softer, more embodied and deeply rooted in our body’s wisdom. The program is a space for you to practice doing business differently, more in alignment with who you truly are.

We will work in a gentle, trauma-informed, somatic way to help you understand and gently shift patterns that are holding you back from showing up authentically and sharing your voice and your offerings with the world, so that you can begin contributing with ease and make an impact.

Who is the program for?

This Mentorship Program is for heart-led women entrepreneurs and creatives who are longing to connect deeper with their body and its wisdom and learn to navigate from it in their work. This includes healers, therapists, coaches, facilitators, artists, writers, creatives, spaceholders and changemakers who want to live and work in a more grounded, embodied way, honouring their body’s needs, pace and knowing. 

It is a 6-month journey for you to root deeper into yourself and the beautiful work that you are bringing into the world. To be with your work *from your body* and ground into more sustainable ways for you to share your work and your message and connect with your people.

You can take a look at the Mentorship Program here to learn more. The doors are open. We start November 1st.

My calendar is open for free Connection Calls for those who feel called and my inbox is open if you have any questions.