This workshop helps you understand how old inner wounds can show up as a fear response in the body
as you become more visible in your business and creative journey – and how to start healing your fear.

For many heart-led healers, space holders, solopreneurs, and creatives the visibility that comes with having a business can feel overwhelming. And these days where, for a lot of us, it includes being very visible online it can be enough to make some people never start their business at all. The resistance in the body is too strong, the inner voice of self-judgement is too loud. 

In this mini workshop I share about how this fear can show up in our business and why, and I also share my take on how to start healing this fear, in a gentle and trauma-informed way, so you can start sharing your work and your message with the world with ease and have the impact that you are longing for. 

Watch the workshop here: 

Watch a short clip from the workshop: 

Listen to the guided visualization:
Starting a gentle conversation with your fear 

A few days ago I attended your mini workshop on healing the fear of being seen and I liked it a lot. “The stronger the passion, the stronger the fear.” When you said this, tears welled up in my eyes.

– Anja Meurer

I’ve just watched your mini workshop. So very helpful, thank you so much. And also recommended it to two friends!

– Rachel E.

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in your journey as a healer, space holder, solopreneur, or changemaker?