Testimonials from my clients: 

Lise is one of the gentlest, most compassionate, truth-telling guides for connecting with your full self that I have met. I highly recommend anything she offers.

– Amanda 

Thank you for holding gentle, thoughtful, kind, safe space so well for others to connect with their inner selves in a meaningful way.

– Natasha D. 

My somatic session with Lise was not only a welcome calm moment in my day, but provided me with new insights about my creative work. She helped me form a question to explore that felt potent and alive, and, with her support, I was able to open up to more curiosity in a grounded way and hear important messages from my body.

Working with Lise helped the various parts of my creative self all feel truly seen – such a gift! 

– Rebecca Hass

Lise held such gentle, supportive, and permission giving space. It was so reassuring for my inner good girl who was afraid to break the rules. Lise’s permission to meet myself exactly where I’m at and her encouragement to go slowly and gently allowed me to meet those tender young parts of myself that need love and care.

– Kim K. Gray

I am amazed at how deep this work is.

– P. Smith 

Lise holds a skill set that is uniquely crafted to assist anyone on a healing path. She is capable and expansive, solid and honest, experienced and wise. 

Lise knows how to create and extend a container for processing big feelings, experiences and sensations. She facilitates healing with ease while honoring the individual she is working with as their most sovereign and trustworthy self. 

Lise is an intelligent guide who utilizes language of consent and gentle suggestion within her practice. She has an intuitive way of extending space to her clients while encouraging them to safely explore the edges of their internal landscapes through movement and body awareness. 

I have absolute confidence in Lise as a somatic healing practitioner and believe that anyone who is seeking further healing and resourcing through movement would benefit from working with her. 

  – Jessamyn Turgesen 

I’ve been in two workshops with Lise and each time I’m taken aback at how deep she leads us and how loved and supported I feel. I particularly respond to her prompt to slow down or move slower. When she offers this I realize my mind may be starting to race or I’m trying to hurry through and her gentle reminder brings me back to the session. 


– Robin Kimbrel Wiggs  

The somatic healing session that Lise led me through was intense and powerful. Intense partly because thanks to Lise’s gentle and kind companionship my body allowed me to go towards challenging sensations. Powerful because it led me towards more clarity and greater commitment to both self-compassion and self-challenge. Also because it felt like an opening, a potential portal, and I’m interested in coming back to working with Lise in the future.

– Ivona

Andrea Petrut: 


Lise, thank you so much for this beautiful offering. I had no idea what to expect going in, but this was such a fantastic experience, and I’m so appreciative of the wisdom you’ve shared with us and how you’ve helped open up a conversation for me with my body.

– Leslie Vosburgh 

When I first registered for a movement workshop with Lise, I wasn’t sure what to expect.  I felt open and curious, and also nervous.  I had never before tried anything similar to what Lise offers.  I struggle with social anxiety, so registering for something like that was outside of my comfort zone.

I was blown away.  Lise is such a gentle and welcoming guide, which helped put me at ease in the face of my nerves.  And then there was the movement itself, which helped me hear what my body wanted in new ways.  I was able to get out of my head a bit, which I often struggle to do.  It was a soft, loving way to connect with myself that I didn’t know I needed. I highly, highly recommend giving yourself the gift of a movement workshop with Lise.

– Jackie Buck 

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