Tapping Into The Body’s Wisdom
* Free Online Workshop *
Monday 4th October 12noon-2pm Eastern Time (New York) / 6pm-8pm CET (Copenhagen)

Re:Connection is a powerful tool. A tool of remembering. Remembering all that we already know, but have forgotten in the midst of busy lives and outside pressure of expectations at work and from other people and of how things should be or should look. All the noise that makes us forget, who we are at our core.
Re:Connecting is also regrounding. Regrounding yourself back into the wisdom of the body. The wisdom of nature. And allowing that connection of organic flow to guide you, to move you, to support you. Letting it lead you, instead of you trying to suppress it or ignore it or force into the shape that your conditioned mind feels is convenient for the life that you have set up for yourself.
That deep well of body wisdom is your connection to Yourself and to Life Force. It is The Key to authenticity and to profound transformation. That is why embodiment work is so profound and meaningful.
Learning to tap deeply into your body and honouring its wisdom and guidance is a beautiful and powerful thing. Learning to be *in relationship with* the body rather than trying to control it, is in my eyes the most self-loving and wise move we can make. Because our relationship to our body is the closest relationship we have, so everything flows from there.
That is also why body and movement work can feel so vulnerable. Because we are working on our closest relationship. So please show yourself compassion, if body and movement work is difficult for you. This is completely natural. It is part of the process. It is all welcome.
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In this workshop we will explore body connection and embodiment through gentle guided movement.
We will talk about slowing down and being with what is in the body and about navigating from your body’s wisdom. We will be working with simple, gentle, guided movement exercises to explore your connection to your body and its wisdom. Together we will move, explore, listen, share and be curious.
We will approach body and movement work with patience, gentleness, non-judgement and self-support.
Body and movement can be a vulnerable topic. Know that you are so very welcome in this workshop no matter your background in movement and body work. Nervousness and insecurity around moving is so welcome. It is all part of the journey. It all belongs.
I am so looking forward to sharing this workshop with you, dear embodiment explorers, and to gently be holding space for what shows up in the body with curiosity and non-judgement, as we tap into the body’s wisdom and resources.
Practical info:
Time: Monday 4th October at 12noon-2pm ET (New York) / 6pm-8pm CET (Copenhagen)
Price: This is a free workshop
Questions: Please email me at lise@liseloensmann.com
The workshop will be taught online via Zoom. I will send you a link for the meeting room via email before the workshop.
The workshop is a live online event and will not be recorded.
When I first registered for a movement workshop with Lise, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I felt open and curious, and also nervous. I had never before tried anything similar to what Lise offers. I struggle with social anxiety, so registering for something like that was outside of my comfort zone.
I was blown away. Lise is such a gentle and welcoming guide, which helped put me at ease in the face of my nerves. And then there was the movement itself, which helped me hear what my body wanted in new ways. I was able to get out of my head a bit, which I often struggle to do. It was a soft, loving way to connect with myself that I didn’t know I needed. I highly, highly recommend giving yourself the gift of a movement workshop with Lise.
– Jackie Buck
Lise, thank you so much for this beautiful offering. I had no idea what to expect going in, but this was such a fantastic experience, and I’m so appreciative of the wisdom you’ve shared with us and how you’ve helped open up a conversation for me with my body.
– Leslie Vosburgh