Join us for a conversation around embodied leadership and self-leadership. We explore what leading means to us and what it can look like in our everyday lives.

How do we navigate times of change and uncertainty? What can we trust? How can we make an impact? Where do we lead from?


The world is changing, there is no denying that. The question is how we meet it and navigate the chaos of it. How we gently hold space for the overwhelm and the fear for what we are moving towards.

We can’t keep going the way we have been going. It is not working. It is not sustainable. We need to think and act differently, find new ways of doing and creating.


Leading in an embodied way means in deep connection with ourselves; allowing ourselves to *feel* our body’s wisdom, our full range of emotions, our vulnerability, our humanness, our connectedness. It asks us to step fully into our power as co-creators. To lead from the depths of our personal and collective wisdom.

How do we do that in a world that constantly asks us to disconnect from ourselves, from nature, from each other? What does it look like to tap into our inner resources and lead from there?

Let’s gather and lean into this conversation together, in community.



The speakers: 

Anna Lovind is an eco-feminist writer who believes in the power of our voices and stories. Anna left a career as an editor at a major publishing house, moved to the deep forests of Sweden and set out to build a life and a business that supports her own and other women’s pursuit of a meaningful and sustainable creative life (and quickly found that the wilderness surrounding her was instrumental in this process).

Since then, she has published her book The Creative Doer – A Brave Woman’s Guide from Dreaming to Doing and guided creatives from all over the world to go from dreaming to doing through her courses and workshops.

Anna lives with her two daughters, three cats and a dog in rural Sweden.

Stephanie Greene is a writer and a spaceholder. She is a pisces souled, queer heretic who writes to the hum of her own reclaimed Wild. She left evangelicalism, her marriage, and an ill-fitting family system the year she turned 35 and everything since then has been a vast landscape of healing, truth telling, coparenting, rebirthing, and softening back into her good heart.

She has published her book In The Direction Of You, a grimoire of poetry, a love letter to heretics and healers.

She is the proudest mother to a phenomenal trans son, a brilliant cis son, and a powerful daughter.

Lise Lønsmann is an embodied entrepreneurship mentor and a trauma-informed somatic practitioner. She believes in the power of co-creation and community. She teaches embodiment practices and strategies to heart-led women entrepreneurs and creatives who want to lean into navigating business from embodied wisdom and knowing, so they can better honour their needs and capacity and root into who they truly are.

The foundation of her embodiment work is gentleness and reconnecting with the body and the inner world. Through gentle embodiment practices she guides her clients to start a gentle conversation with their body and tap into the wisdom and the answers it is holding.

Lise lives in Aarhus, Denmark.