FAQ for Rooted:


I am new to embodiment and guided movement. Do I need embodiment or movement experience to join? 
No, you are welcome regardless of your embodiment or movement knowledge and experience. 


I am nervous / uncomfortable with being on camera in Zoom calls. Do I have to be on camera for calls?
Yes and no. To help us all co-create a transparent and as safe as possible space, I ask all members to be on camera for all calls, so everyone can see who is in “the room”. This is important for creating transparency and containment in the space. 

However, during embodiment and movement practices I invite you to feel into and honour whether it is most supportive for you to be on camera or have your camera turned off. I know that movement and being seen on screen while moving can feel very vulnerable for some, so that is completely up to you. 


I am nervous / uncomfortable being in groups and often feel nervous or self-conscious. I this a community for me? 
Yes! Rooted is for the outsiders, the rebels, the ones who never “fit in”; the quiet ones, the highly sensitives, the nerdy ones, the passionate ones, the witchy ones, the quirky ones. It all belongs here. 

I believe in showing up authentically and imperfectly. So please, come as you are. If you feel called, you belong here ♥


I will not be able to join all the scheduled calls in the community. Will I fall behind? 
No, the membership has an open structure. This is not a course with ongoing teachings or modules. The calls offered are meant as resources and support for you whereever you are at in your journey, and the structure of the community gives you the flexibility to show up for as many or as few calls as you wish to. 


Are the Zoom calls recorded or unrecorded? 
Most calls in the community are unrecorded, to create connection and presence in the community and to ensure the sacred intimacy and confidentiality of the space. 

Conversational calls or conversational parts of calls are NOT recorded. 

The guided movement practice during the monthly Rooting Deeper calls are recorded, so that members can go back and use the recordings as a resource in their own embodiment practice.  

If a call or part of a call is recorded, it is recorded in “speaker view” in Zoom, meaning you can only see the person who is speaking, not the participants who are muted in Zoom. 


Why are there more unrecorded calls than recorded calls?
Because I want Rooted to be a space for gathering and connecting and practicing embodied presence. Not a content libraby. It is very intentional on my part. I do my best to make our virtual community calls feel like we are sitting in a room together, in-person, next to each other in a circle, connecting heart to heart, feeling each others energy. And I would never record an in-person gathering like that, which is why I don’t record any conversational gathering in Zoom. 

Also, as a community with an intention of being trauma aware, the calls are meant as spaces encouraging connection and vulnerability, and honouring confidentiality. 


What do you mean by “trauma aware”?
“Trauma aware” means being aware of how individual trauma (like abuse, neglect, addiction, and family dysfunction) and collective trauma (like systemic violence and systemic oppression) might impact other individuals, groups, and systems. You might not be trained in or work within a trauma-informed field, but you are aware of the conversation and have an interest in a deeper understanding of the area. 


I am nervous about joining a community because of previous challenging experiences in women’s groups. Is this the community for me? 
is a gentle, supportive, trauma-aware community. The foundational values of the community is curiosity, non-judgement, transparency, inclusivity, and mutual respect, and we gather with the intention of connection and support. 

As the facilitator of the community I am very aware of individual and collective wounds around groups and group dynamics, and I tend to the space with that knowing in my awareness. With that said, ruptures can happen, as it can in all spaces and relationships. If a rupture or conflict occurs, I will do my best to tend to it and hold space for the repair in a gentle and trauma-informed way.

You are welcome to book a free 30-minute connection call if you want to have a chat with me, before you join the community. You can book your call here. 


Can I cancel my membership at any time?
Yes. If you cancel your monthly membership, your membership payments are discontinued at the end of your monthly billing cycle. 


What is the “founding member rate”?
That is the discounted rate offered to the first members of the community. As a founding member you are locked in at this rate (30 USD per month) for as long as you are a member of the community. 


If I cancel my membership as a founding member and return at a later time, will I still get the founding member rate? 
No. I that case you will be asked to pay the standard monthly rate at that time. 


I am not tech-savvy. Are Zoom and Mighty Networks complex platforms to use? 
No. Both are simple and user friendly, including for those of us who are not tech-savvy (that is the main reason I have chosen those two platforms). And if needed, I am here to support you with navigating the platforms. 


What if I feel drawn to the community, but am not completely sure whether it will be a good fit for me or not? 
I offer a free 30-minute connection call to all founding members, in case it feels helpful for you. In the call you can ask me your questions and share your doubts, and I will do my best to support you in your decision. You can book your connection call here. 


What if I have more questions? 
Send me an email at lise@liseloensmann.com.