Upcoming Tending Circles:



Tending Circle for Wounded Healers (starting summer/autumn 2024)

This circle is for trauma aware women healers like therapists, counsellors, somatic practitioners, and grief workers who are tending to their own inner wounds and looking for a soft place to land where they can be the ones being witnessed and supported. Come tend to the softest and most tender places within you and let yourself be held. 


Tending Circle: Reconnecting with Your Truest Self (starting summer/autumn 2024)

A gentle embodied exploration of authenticity, inner power, and self-trust. This is a circle for heart-led women longing to shed the layers of performing and pretending that exist because of conditioning and wounding (like pretending to be ok when you are not, pretending to have it all together, pretending to be something you are not). We will hold gentle space for grounding deeper into the body, the felt sense, inner resources, and the truest version of ourselves.  



* The Tending Circles are for women. 

* Email me at lise@liseloensmann.com if you are interested in joining a Tending Circle and want to receive an invitation for the next circles.